
Spring With Winter Toys

This is so embarrassing. Sometimes, the Mommies like to amuse themselves by styling my fur and taking photos. This is "The Dinosaur" look. I think they need a hobby. Other than making me look ridiculous.

I like it better when there are toys for my brother Auggie and me to play with. Yesterday, Glasses Mommy brought us home some presents from our poodle friends, Blue and Max. They are late Christmas-and-Hannukah presents, and we were very happy to receive them.

Specifically, we received a squeaky toy snowflake which is bundled up for cold weather. Even though is was in the 60s with sunshine outside today, Auggie preferred this cold-weather friend for his shaking and pulling and chewing and squeaking pleasure.

I personally think that Auggie is a little weird sometimes. But he really likes to hold the snowflake in his mouth and shake shake shake shake shake it. I wonder if this messes with his head at all. Hee hee. I guess I shouldn't make fun of my brother.

As for me, I prefer to play with the piece of double-bubble bubblegum. Now, if only I could figure out how to unwrap this thing...