
Zoom Zoom!

Eat my dust, people! I haven't been blogging because I'm moving so fast now with my bionic legs. See this photo? It's ME, moving so fast that I am just a big ole blur. Zoom, zoom!

I've been terribly busy doing the following: playing with my Piggy (pictured below) and my Otter; chewing on my rope toys; pulling dirty underwear from the laundry basket and bringing it into the living room (don't tell the mommies!); and rolling on my back in the tall tall backyard grass. Yay!

See the shirt that Piggy is wearing? I have to thank GRACE, a super cute redheaded princess from West Seattle, for that outfit. It was too small for me, but it fits Piggy just fine! Anyway, this photo is mainly to display my fine selection of toys, which keep me busy most of the time. Here, Piggy is watching my back, while I chew on Otter, kick my rope toy, and keep my ping pong ball racetrack and my little chirping butterfly (OK, those last two are actually cat toys that my feline sisters, Harriet (featured in the "About Me" photo, to the right) and Claire (she's an Egyptian goddess - more on that later) gave me) close by. I have to go back to the vet on Friday, though - I think maybe I've been playing too much!

One complaint: while I've been convalescing, my mommies have gone out to have fun! I know...how dare they? Last weekend, they went to see their pals K and M in a far away place called Tacoma for something called a "barbeque." I hear that's something tasty! Anyway, my main problem with that visit is that I heard the mommies talking about "Blue and Max" before they left - I thought these were humans who would be at K and M's house. However, when the mommies returned home, Curly Mommy took her sweatshirt jacket off and my brother Auggie was immediately on the sniff...he was so intent that I knew something was up. He stole the sweatshirt off the chair, pulled it into the entryway, and sniffed it up and down! His nose was working triple time!

Turns out...Blue and Max are dogs! And my mommies visited them while I stayed home with my bare legs all alone! Can you believe that? I am appalled, and I haven't yet decided if I will forgive them. In the meantime, I blog because I can!

(P.S. Confidential to my favorite people at EBAH: really, I have been laying around not doing much of anything. I have NOT been running around, contrary to my dream sequence exaggerating above. I promise!)

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