
Toga Party? Must Be Feeling Better!

Ok, I know, it's been a while. AG, Harriet, Claire and I have been passing the "dog days of summer" by lazing around the house. Why they call them "dog days" I don't know... I think it might be a bad thing?

Anyway, here's the basics: I, Violey, am feeling much better. My right leg is still a little wonky and I have to be checked again very soon, but I am not crying or whining and so my moms are pretty sure I am not feeling any pain. My fur is growing back but s-l-o-w-l-y so that I am covered with a very, very short chick fur in the back still. Auggie's war wound is totally healed though, it's like a miracle! The moms say he may have a bald spot on his side forever, though. I am going to try not to make fun of him for it, because I'm nice like that.

One good thing about me being a baldy in the back, and AG being a baldy on the side, was that in late August, it got really really hot here in Seattle for a couple of days. AG and I were roaming around the house, circling and circling...the moms called it "pacing." We were also trying to sweat through our feet and by panting, but it didn't work very well!

So, they noticed that we couldn't sit still and that we were just not very happy. They decided that if AG and I wore "togas" we would feel better. I, personally, was not convinced. I had no idea what this "toga" was...and I wasn't very excited about it. But then...Curly mommy told us to get up on Glasses mommy, so we did even though Glasses mommy was hotter than me and Auggie together! Then Curly mommy came to us with wet, cool towels and draped them under our bellies. We tried to resist! First it was kind of shocking, the cool cloth on our bare spots underneath and all. But then, we fell under the spell of coolness and we were pretty much out! Auggie resisted more than me; he tried really hard to stay awake.

Not me though...it was sleepyville all the way for me.

We stayed like that for a really, really long time. More than an hour, til the towels dried up!

Auggie was happy for the rest of the evening. He is really furry you see, so when he gets hot he is unhappy.

Our kitties were unhappy with the heat, too. Harriet has found a dark, cool spot to hide. A couple of days she went in there and hardly came out all day. I saw her coming out to take a snack break, though, and snapped this photo:

She is hilarious!

When she isn't there, she hangs out on a chair with Claire. Even in the heat, they were thick as thieves. They pretend they don't like each other, but really they do. Maybe even LOVE, I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH my you two look sooo cute with your togas! What a great idea. Your mommies are brillant!