
Still Snowing!

Today I looked outside, and this is what I saw...

It was scary! My brother AG is having a hard time going outside, if you know what I mean. The snow is almost over his head! I, thankfully, can use a training pad inside and so do not have to get my paws icy and my fur snowy. Thank goodness!

Hmm. Some might say that was "too much information," but I'm only sharing my Ultra Violet point of view, and I'm all about honesty.

Other views from my house? Well, how about these?
I'm beginning to wonder if this much snow is a good thing. I think so, because I'm hoping the Moms will be home with AG and me again tomorrow! My toes are crossed!

I learned today that sometimes humans have to take a shovel and work really hard to get the snow out of the way of the walkways and where the cars need to drive. No, silly - the Moms did not do this. A teenage boy showed up and rang our doorbell today, with a snow shovel in hand, and asked if they wanted to pay him to shovel the driveway and sidewalk! Glasses Mommy said "hell to the yeah!" and Curly Mommy said, "Ok, we'll pay $20!" I think the kid liked that amount, cause he did a super job. He was out there for almost an hour, I swear, scraping and scraping! It was so noisy that of course AG and I (terriers, both) had to let ourselves be known during the whole shoveling process. Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark multiplied about a million times. Or however many times two small but fiesty terriers can bark in an hour when there's a stranger outside the front of their house walking back and forth, back and forth.

All that barking made us tired. Proof you say? I (being the pup of two lawyers) offer the following as Exhibits A and B:

The small cute one is me, wearing the dreaded sweater but I must say super warm all curled up in the argyle, and on top of the fabulously soft and warm afghan that my Grandma Sandy recently made just for me! OK, she made it for the moms, but they are sharing it with me.

Then, there's AG. My, he looks gigantic in this photo! Maybe he really is a big dog like he keeps saying!

Must be the lighting, or the angle. Because although Curly Mommy does call him "sparkplug" sometimes, Auggie is just about the handsomest Yorkshire in town. Who am I kidding? He's THE handsomest dog in town!

Hey - that wasn't me Violet blogging that last sentence! It was The AugDog, aka AG, who heisted my laptop! Darn him!

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