
Hello, World! My Name is Violet.

A little over a year ago, I was adopted by two lovely mommies in the city of Seattle. I'd traveled far to get to them - from rural Washington where a rescue lady took me from the person who took me too soon from my dog mom and was trying to sell me, to the wonderful human foster mom and dog foster mom in Whatcom County who helped me grow from my baby weight up to 2 pounds, then finally to Seattle where I found my permanent home.

At my foster home, a caring mommy dog (who, coincidentally, looked a lot like me!) had recently given birth to her own litter of pups (who looked nothing like her). The story goes that my dog foster mom got tired of nursing her own pups, but let me nurse to get the nutrition I needed to grow from less than a pound up to the big 2 lbs. that I was when I got adopted by my mommies. My human foster mom took great care of me - even when she woke up one night to find all my dog foster siblings really sick with Parvo - she kept taking care of me and I didn't even get sick. Luckily, all my dog foster siblings survived too.

I live a pretty good life here in Seattle. My mommies let me sleep in their bed at night, they keep me safely in a room with a baby gate during the day, and I have a dog brother and two cat sisters to keep me company. I've grown to a full 8 pounds, which neither mom ever thought I'd reach!

I'm starting this blog because I am told that next week I will have something called "surgery" for "slipping patellas," which doesn't sound so good. This comes after I was playing outside and started lifting one of my back paws, then going to the vet who told us both my patellas were slipping. My mommies jumped into action, taking me to water therapy where I walked on a treadmill to strengthen my knee ligaments, walking me daily to keep my weight down, providing me glucosamine supplements, and massaging my knees. But the vet says I still need my knees operated on and I won't be able to get around much for a while, so in the mean time, I am going to keep track of my experiences on this blog.

You seem awfully nice. I hope you'll visit again and check on how I'm doing.

1 comment:

Angela Lenz said...

Dear Violet,
Hey, nice blog! Its about time us Chi (and Chi mixes) had our say. I have luxating patella's too. Mine is grade 2.. so surgery is probaly this fall. Mom says since I have to be keep so quiet and no jumping after surgery (I'd like to see them try) for 10 weeks after surgery, we better wait until the fall... when I won't be asking to go to the small dog park every weekend.
Good Luck on your surgery...lots of Chi have gone thru what you are going thru. and we wish you the best
Woof Woof, Meg (Chihuahua/Min Pin)
Bellingham, Wa